A collection of free resources for beekeepers

Have a question? Need some help? Here is a place to start!

General Beekeeping Information

Oregon State University Master Beekeepers Program

Oregon State Beekeeping Association

Xerces Society for invertebrate conservation.

Western Apicultural Society (WAS)

Specific Management

Varroa Management Tool

First Year Beekeeping Lots of great information for beginners and everyone else

Varroa mite lifecycle

University Programs

Oregon State University Honeybee Lab

University of Guelph

Important forms

Klamath County Vector Control: These are the people responsible for spraying mosquitos. You do NOT want them to spray near your hives. Here is the form to submit to them: Link to No Spray form

You will need to print the form, fill it out and mail it or drop it off to the address on the form.

Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) Apiary Registration: If you manage 5 or more hives, you are required to register them through ODA. Money from this registration goes to research at the OSU Honey Bee Lab. Register FAQS

USDA ARS Bee Lab: Instructions for submitting a sample for disease analysis: Research Laboratory ARS.